Tulips in space
Flowers and 8K71PS in space
Neon night
Webb telescope as a honeycomb II
Webb telescope as a honeycomb
Milky way
The Trinity
Divine language
Laika in Space
Saints waching
Multiverse (Bubble universe)
Beetween physics and metaphysics
Schrodinger's cat
Schrodinger's cat
ESO , Kiss
Curylo Julia - ESO Bordeline, 2017, olej akryl plotno, 140x190cm [fot Adam Gut] prev 2000px.jpg
Tulips in space
Tulips in space

180x150cm, oil and acrylic on canvas

Flowers and 8K71PS in space
Flowers and 8K71PS in space

180x150 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas

Neon night
Neon night

140x200 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas

Webb telescope as a honeycomb II
Webb telescope as a honeycomb II

150 x 190cm,oil and acrylic on canvas

Webb telescope as a honeycomb
Webb telescope as a honeycomb

180x150 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas

Milky way
Milky way

150*200 cm, oil and acryl on canvas

The Trinity
The Trinity

176x140 cm,  oil on canvas


180x150 cm, oil and acryl on canvas

Divine language
Divine language

150*185 cm ,oil and acryl on cavcas

Laika in Space
Laika in Space

165*150 cm , oil on canvas

Saints waching
Saints waching

205*150 cm, oil on canvas, resin


180X150 cm, oil and acryl on canvas

Multiverse (Bubble universe)
Multiverse (Bubble universe)

150*185 cm ,oil and acryl on cavcas

Beetween physics and metaphysics
Beetween physics and metaphysics

180x150 cm,oil and acryl on cavcas

Schrodinger's cat
Schrodinger's cat

150*156, oil and acryl on canvas

Schrodinger's cat
Schrodinger's cat

70X100 cm, oil and acryl on canvas


150*210 cm, oil and acryl on canvas

ESO , Kiss
ESO , Kiss

145X180 cm, oil and acryl on canvas

Curylo Julia - ESO Bordeline, 2017, olej akryl plotno, 140x190cm [fot Adam Gut] prev 2000px.jpg